
Answer by #M.I Okthapian about Anker PowerCore Fusion 5000

The following is one of the questions or problems related to the Anker PowerCore Fusion 5000, maybe this is useful and can answer your question. This question was first asked by M.I Okthapian and responded by M.I Okthapian, on 8mo ago.

Is the Anker PowerCore Fusion 5000 better than the 10000 version? If true, what is the reason?

thank you, that really helps me to be more confident ehehehe

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In my opinion, the Anker PowerCore Fusion 5000 is better, because the Anker PowerCore Fusion 10000 actually removes more features.

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Anker PowerCore Fusion 5000

Anker PowerCore Fusion 5000

Anker PowerCore Fusion 5000 is a product from the famous brand from the USA, namely Anker, very sophisticated High Speed Charging, Equipped with 2-Leg micro USB, 18 Month Guarantee and many quality features